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More than 40,000 of the world’s leading oncologists, cancer researchers, and other cancer care stakeholders from more than 130 countries gather in Chicago for ASCO Annual Meeting.

The ASCO Annual Meeting is supported, in part, by Conquer Cancer donors to ensure those who care for patients with cancer are better equipped to understand every cancer, have support to research new treatments for every patient, and share their knowledge with people everywhere. Here's what happened this year and how your support is impacting patients around the world.

$630,000+ Raised for Research

Mia Zinn, a 16-year-old student from Maryland who is surviving sarcoma, joined her doctor, Sahaja Acharya, MD, a 2020 Conquer Cancer grant recipient, at our annual Evening to Conquer Cancer fundraiser where they inspired guests to give more than $630,000 to support cancer research.

Mia Zinn speaks at
An Evening to Conquer Cancer.

5,000+ Research Studies Presented and Published

Many researchers previously funded by Conquer Cancer were among the scientists who presented promising research progress and the latest breakthroughs in cancer care. Key studies shared include promising drug regimens for patients with advanced liposarcoma, an emerging treatment to increase survival in ovarian cancer, effective strategies for improving bone health in people with breast cancer, a new method for elevating leukemia care, and a novel approach for treating patients with rare tumors. Donor support enables this forum of scientific innovation, allowing doctors to bring discoveries home and improve care for their patients.

Dr. ModiDr. Shanu Modi, a previously funded Conquer Cancer grant recipient, presents her research on metastatic breast cancer, during the Plenary Session at ASCO Annual Meeting.

400+ Grants and Awards

At the Conquer Cancer Grants & Awards Ceremony, more than $12 million was awarded to support 400+ grants & awards to advance research and care across all types of cancer. Conquer Cancer donors make these grants and awards possible and are behind the breakthroughs that result from these projects.

Watch as some of the 2022 grant & award recipients learn they will be receiving support and recognition from Conquer Cancer.

48 Studies Supported by
Conquer Cancer

48 studies supported by Conquer Cancer were directly powered by Conquer Cancer donors, including notable research on lung, bladder, prostate, breast, and blood cancers. Studies also included research on COVID-19 in patients with cancer, care for older patients, risks factors for patients who are transgender, and a study on improving outcomes for childhood patients in Brazil. Donors make possible this global exchange of vital research for patients everywhere.

33 projects
Dr. Lawson Eng, a previously funded Conquer Cancer grant recipient, shares his study: “Impact of age and frailty on acute care use during immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) treatment.

32 Countries Represented

Cancer care professionals from more than 130 countries attended the Annual Meeting, and researchers representing 32 countries were among the Conquer Cancer grant & award recipients, including recipients of the International Development and Education Awards (IDEA). The IDEA program celebrating its 20th year, connects early-career oncologists in low- and middle-income countries with ASCO member mentors and facilitates the exchange of knowledge between them. Conquer Cancer donors support researchers around the world and are vital to building a world where cancer is prevented or cured, and every survivor is healthy.

32 countries
IDEA recipients celebrate receiving their awards from Conquer Cancer at the ASCO Annual Meeting.

1 Conquer Cancer Pin

We were proud to share with Annual Meeting attendees the story of colorectal cancer survivor, Mark Crafts. As Mark shares in this short film, Cancer Mountain, he was inspired by a Conquer Cancer pin his doctor was wearing during one of his first appointments. We gave out Conquer Cancer pins to the nearly 500 donors who gave to Conquer Cancer during Annual Meeting – to help patients like Mark and to continue accelerating breakthroughs in cancer research.

Mark Crafts, Stage IV colorectal cancer survivor, conquers Cancer Mountain.

Conquer Cancer
2318 Mill Rd, Suite 800
Alexandria, VA, 22314

[email protected]